
ministerial declaration on environmentally sound and sustainable development in asia and the pacific معنى

  • الإعلان الوزاري بشأن التنمية السليمة والمستدامة بيئياً في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. ministerial council of the gulf cooperation council معنى
  2. ministerial declaration معنى
  3. ministerial declaration of the group of 77 معنى
  4. ministerial declaration on agriculture in small island developing states معنى
  5. ministerial declaration on employment generation and decent work معنى
  6. ministerial declaration on sustainable development in the un-ece region معنى
  7. ministerial declaration on the protection of the black sea معنى
  8. ministerial declaration on the uruguay round معنى
  9. ministerial declaration on trade in information technology products معنى
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